Saturday, November 30, 2019
Poetry from other cultures Essay Example
Poetry from other cultures Paper Compare and contrast the notions of culture and identify in Half-caste by John Agard and Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan by Moniza Alvi. The poems I have chosen to analyse are Half-Caste by John Agard and Presents from my aunts in Pakistan by Moniza Alvi. I have decided to focus on these poems because I believe they project strong messages and discuss the issues of identities and mixed race. Furthermore, both poems are autobiographical and the poets are from different cultures to each other. As readers, it is very interesting to understand their different views about mixed race backgrounds as we are from a different culture to them. John Agard is a respected Caribbean poet who has won the Paul Hamlyn Award in 1997. On the other hand, Moniza Alvi was born in Pakistan and has achieved the Poetry Business Prize in 1991. Both poets confess the difficulties of living in different cultures and not knowing their fixed nationality. John Agard was born on 21 June 1949 in Guyana. His mother was white and Portuguese but his father was a black Englishman, therefore making him half-caste. He began to write poems at the age of sixteen and many were published in the school magazine. In the 1970s he moved to England where he not only progressed to become a literary poet but also moved on to develop into a performing poet. From there, he has travelled significantly performing his consequential poetry. In his poem Half-Caste, Agard has accepted the fact that he is half-caste but he is very concerned about the term. He uses various everyday objects and famous people to aid him in giving his views about the term. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry from other cultures specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry from other cultures specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry from other cultures specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Half-Caste is an interesting title to use. It is a one word phrase, short and simple. What is more, it is direct and refers to what the poem is going to be related to. Agard begins the poem by capturing our attention and describing the image of a half-caste person. Excuse me standing on one leg Im half-caste Firstly, he says Excuse me, as it is a polite way to ask us to accept him as he is half-caste. He then continues to describe a bizarre image of a person who is standing on one leg as he is like half a person. He does this as he is ridiculing the term half-caste in order for the readers to understand Agards interpretation of the phrase. The beginning of the second stanza is asking us to give our explanation of the term half-caste. Explain yuself wha yu mean when yu say half-caste He asks the readers this question as a first attempt togain our justification of half-caste. This question is repeated three more times in the poem as he emphasises the fact that he wants an answer. Next, Agard tells us how Picasso mixes different colours to create his works of art. when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas He has chosen to use Picasso as an example for his meaning of half-caste because he is a well-respected and famous artist who is familiar to most people. He is saying that if Picasso combines dissimilar colours together, does that mean he has produced a half-caste canvas? Obviously, the answer is no and therefore in Agards opinion this shows how ludicrous the term half-caste is. Following the previous example, Agard illustrates the weather in England as an image of the idiom of half-caste. when light an shadow mix in de sky is a half-caste weather In this example england weather is mostly half-caste weather as ir is usually quite clear and bright but cloudy at the same time, which is almost like two different types of weather merged together. This is ironic example for the readers to establish his connotation of half-caste. Subsequently, Agard demonstrates how the weather in England is half-caste. some o dem cloud half-caste till dem overcast so spiteful dem dont want de sun pass This quote uses personification as it is saying that the clouds are malicious and wont let the sun pass. Effectively, this suggests that people who use the phrase half-caste dont know how it feels and it can frequently cause offense. Moving on, Tchaikovsky is another famous person who is used to depict Agards conception of half-caste. In this example, he is describing how Tchaikovsky composes his symphonies. mix a black key wid a white key is a half-caste symphony Here, Agard is referring specifically and directly to different races. He us comparing different skin colours to different coloured objects. Tchaikovsky was presumably chosen for the same reasons as Picasso as this example is very similar to his. He has selected famous people to explain his views of half-caste as they are well-known and revered. In the third stanza, Agard is describing how he feels when communicating with people who call him half-caste. Ah listening to yu wid de keen half of mih ear. Ah looking at yu wid de keen half of mih eye Clearly, no one can have half an ear or half an eye but this shows that Agard feels he has divided body parts because he is called half-caste. In addition to this, Agard still feels he is like half a person in his subconscious as well as when he is awake. at night I close half-a-eye consequently when I dream I dream half a dream He says this to emphasise the fact that he feels he has half a body hence, only undertaking half of everyday activities such as being able to offer yu half-a-hand which is a nonsensical suggestion. Subsequently, Agard declares the fact that he is of mixed race and states his identity. I half-caste human being I believe that in this line, Agard is admitting and accepting that he is half-caste and is acknowledging his identity. However, the next line shows us that he still feels he is like half a person as he cast half-a-shadow Towards the end of the stanza, Agard compares whole people to himself. de whole of yu eye an de whole of yu ear an de whole of yu mind This shows us that Agard wants people to be fully looking, hearing and understanding him as he demands previously:- yu must come back tomorrow Agard explains his demand in the last stanza which is like the first stanza, only three lines long. an I will tell yu de other half of my story This has occurred as he feels he cant express his point across at one time and so needs to break it into two smaller sections for those people to understand him. Unmistakably, this is indeed very poignant and sad. To conclude, Agard has written a well-mannered, expressive poem of his views of the term half-caste although it is very outspoken and quite satirical. The poem is written in four stanzas of varying length. The breaks between the stanzas force us to think and reflect on what weve just read. There is no regular rhyme scheme although quite a few lines rhyme in the poem. The first stanza is written in standard English but the others are written in a Caribbean dialect. This is because it makes the reader feel they are talking like the poet. There is no punctuation and most of the poem is written in lower case. This is to show that he is breaking the rules of what people feel is important as he feels he is breaking the rules by existing. An example of this is the capital t for Tchaikovsky, the famous Russian composer. This poem is very effective and after reading it, it has made me think about using the term half-caste more carfully. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Agard: Half-Caste section. Download this essay Print Save Heres what a teacher thought of this essay 3 star(s)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Animal Farm, 1984, and BNW essays
Animal Farm, 1984, and BNW essays Politics are ideas that are thought to be complex and perplexing. Nevertheless, these complex and perplexing ideas are shined throughout many novels. These ideas may be hidden and sometimes difficult to discover, but they are there. In George Orwells Animal Farm, 1984, and Aldus Huxleys Brave New World, political ramblings are sprayed all throughout with detail and imagery. These novels all have a hidden political side that is revealed indirectly by their authors. George Orwells Animal Farm is set on an English farm named Manor Farm, owned by Mr. Jones. The story concerns the rebellion of the farm animals, and is told entirely from the animals point of view. When the animals come into power after overthrowing their master Mr. Jones, the pigs consider themselves to be the dictators on the farm. They create a government called Animalism (surprisingly common to Communism), and attempt to control the farm. Napoleon and Snowball become the leaders as they are pigs. They create the seven commandments that run their government called Animalism. These seven tenets were to be the basis of their government. Eventually, the pigs started to get things under control. Then, Napoleon started getting jealous of Snowball. Snowball was closer to the Animals and they listened to his ideology. After blaspheming Snowball, Napoleon took over the farm. Little by little the corruption and ugly side of control started taking over. In the end Napoleon becomes what all the animals got rid of in the first place, a cruel ruler. Boxer, the prize horse who all the animals looked up to, is then sold to a glue factory. After the men came back and Boxer was sent away, the Animalism collapses and all the pigs are seen as the same old drunk Mr. Jones. All of the animals then form to remove Napoleon from power. Years pass, and many of the older animals die off. Squealer assumes a position of power, and l...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Eurasian Badger Facts
Eurasian Badger Facts The Eurasian badger or European badger (Meles meles) is a social, omnivorous mammal that resides in woodlands, pastures, suburbs, and urban parks throughout most of Europe and Asia. In Europe, the badgers are also known by several common names including brock, pate, grey, and bawson. Fast Facts: Eurasian Badger Scientific Name: Meles melesCommon Name(s): Eurasian badger, European badger, Asian badger. In Europe: brock, pate, grey, and bawsonBasic Animal Group: Mammalà à Size: 22ââ¬â35 inches longWeight: Females weigh between 14.5ââ¬â30 pounds, males are 20ââ¬â36 poundsLifespan: 6 yearsDiet:à OmnivoreHabitat: Europe and AsiaPopulation: Worldwide unknown; range size variesConservation Status: Least Concern; considered Endangered in Albania Description Eurasian badgers are powerfully built mammals that have a short, fat body and short, sturdy legs well suited for digging. The bottoms of their feet are naked and they have strong claws that are elongated with a sharp end honed for excavation. They have small eyes, small ears, and a long head. Their skulls are heavy and elongated and they have oval braincases. Their fur is grayish and they have black faces with white stripes on the top and sides of their face and neck. Badgers range in body length from about 22ââ¬â35 inches, with a tail extending another 4.5 to 20 inches. Females weigh between 14.5ââ¬â30 pounds, while males weigh from 20ââ¬â36 pounds. DamianKuzdak/Getty Images Species Once thought to be a single species, some researchers split them into subspecies which are similar in appearance and behavior but have different ranges. Common badger (Meles meles meles)Cretan badger (Meles meles arcalus)Trans Caucasian badger (Meles meles canascens)Kizlyar badger (Meles meles heptneri)Iberian badger (Meles meles marianensis)Norwegian badger (Meles meles milleri)Rhodes badger (Meles meles rhodius)Fergana badger (Meles meles severzovi) Habitat European badgers are found throughout the British Isles, Europe, and Scandinavia. Their range extends westward to the Volga River. West of the Volga River, Asian badgers are common. They are most often studied as a group and referred to in the scholarly press simply as Eurasian badgers. Eurasian badgers prefer deciduous woods with clearings or open pastureland with small patches of wood. They are also found in a wide variety of temperate ecosystems, mixed and coniferous woodlands, scrub, suburban areas, and urban parks. Subspecies are found in mountains, plains, and even semi-deserts. Territory ranges vary depending on food availability and so reliable population estimates are not currently available. Diet Eurasian badgers are omnivores. They are opportunistic foragers that consume fruit, nuts, bulbs, tubers, acorns and cereal crops, as well as invertebrates such as earthworms, insects, snails, and slugs. They also eat small mammals such as rats, voles, shrews, moles, mice, and rabbits. When available, they will also feed on small reptiles and amphibians such as frogs, snakes, newts, and lizards. The badgers forage alone even when involved in a social group: Eurasian badgers live in territorial, mixed-sex social colonies each sharing a communal burrow. The animals are nocturnal and spend much of the daylight hours hidden away in their setts. Behavior Eurasian badgers are social animals that live in colonies of six to 20 individuals made up of multiple males, breeding and non-breeding females, and cubs. The groups create and reside in a network of underground tunnels known as a sett or den. Some setts are large enough to house more than a dozen badgers and can have tunnels that are as much as 1,000 feet long with numerous openings to the surface. Badgers excavate their setts in well-drained soils that are easy to dig in. The tunnels are 2ââ¬â6 feet beneath the surface of the ground and the badgers often construct large chambers where they sleep or care for their young. When digging tunnels, badgers create large mounds outside the entryway. By placing entrances on slopes, the badgers can push the debris down the hill and away from the opening. They do the same when cleaning out their sett, pushing bedding material and other waste out and away from the opening. Groups of badgers are known as colonies and each colony may construct and use several different setts throughout their territory. The setts they use depend on the distribution of food resources within their territory as well as whether or not it is breeding season and young are to be raised in the sett. Setts or sections of setts not used by badgers are sometimes occupied by other animals such as foxes or rabbits. Like bears, badgers experience winter sleep during which time they become less active but their body temperature does not drop as it does in full hibernation. In late summer, badgers begin to gain the weight they will need to power themselves through their winter sleep period. Reproduction Eurasian badgers are polygynous, meaning males mate with multiple females but females only mate with one male. Within social groups, however, only the dominant male and female mate. Dominant females are known to kill cubs from non-dominant females in the social group. Badgers can mate year round, but most commonly in late winter through early spring and late summer through early fall. At times, males expand their territories to cross-breed with extra-group females. Gestation lasts between 9 and 21 months and litters produce 1ââ¬â6 cubs at a time; females are fertile during pregnancy so multiple paternity births are common. Cubs first emerge from their dens after eight to 10 weeks and are weaned by the age of 2.5 months. They are sexually mature at about a year old, and their lifespans are typically six years, although the oldest known wild badger lived to 14. TonyBaggett/Getty Images Threats European badgers do not have many predators or natural enemies. In some parts of their range, wolves, dogs, and lynxes pose a threat. In some areas, Eurasian badgers live side-by-side other predators such as foxes without conflict. The IUCN Red List comments that since Eurasian badgers occur in many protected areas and there are high densities found in anthropogenic habitats in large parts of its range, the Eurasian badger is highly unlikely to be declining at nearly the rate required to qualify for listing even as Near Threatened. They are targeted for hunting for food or persecuted as a pest, and in some urban and suburban areas, the population has decreased. Although estimates are unreliable, researchers believe the overall population has been increasing throughout their range since the 1980s. During the mid-1990s, the Badgers were classed Lower Risk/least concern (LR/LC) because of elevated occurrence of rabies and tuberculosis, although those diseases have since decreased substantially. Sources Carpenter, Petra J., et al. Mating System of the Eurasian Badger. Molecular Ecology 14.1 (2005): 273-84. Print.,Meles Meles, in a High Density Populationda Silva, Jack, David W. MacDonald, and Peter G. H. Evans. Net Costs of Group Living in a Solitary Forager, the Eurasian Badger (Meles meles). Behavioral Ecology 5.2 (1994): 151-58. Print.Frantz, A. C., et al. Reliable Microsatellite Genotyping of the Eurasian Badger (Meles Meles) Using Faecal DNA. Molecular Ecology 12.6 (2003): 1649-61. Print.Frantz, Alain C., et al. Estimating Population Size by Genotyping Remotely Plucked Hair: The Eurasian Badger. Journal of Applied Ecology 41.5 (2004): 985-95. Print.Kranz, A., A.V. Abramov, J. Herrero, and T. Maran. Meles meles. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.T29673A45203002, 2016.à Wang, A. Eurasian badgers (Meles meles). Animal Diversity, 2011.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Call to Action & Technology and Globalization Essay
Call to Action & Technology and Globalization - Essay Example The two pieces of information denote that Americans are not actively engaged in physical exercises, and this has to stop. The most common type of exercise that people should be encouraged to adopt is walking (Surgeons Office, 2010). This is because it is the easiest and most effective way on controlling the spread of obesity. There is a need of ensuring that citizens of the state are engaged in taking high quality and healthy food, that does not consist of too much fat. In persuading the audience to take action, the report has divided the information contained in it, into two major parts, the background of obesity, and opportunities of preventing obesity (Grady, 2010). Under background, the report gives comprehensive information on the trends, disparities, and consequences of obesity (Surgeons Office, 2010). It is therefore possible to denote that obesity is on an increase, and its health consequences are big. Based on this fact, there is a need of initiating a policy aimed at preventing its growth. The newspaper article also uses statistics to pass out the message that obesity is on the rise, and there is a need of action. For example, the newspaper article denotes that 30% of Americans are Obese, and this is an increase of 2.4 million people, since 2007 (Grady, 2010). This is an alarming figure that ma kes policy formulators worried, hence the need of enacting policies that can prevent an increase of obesity. Technology has played a great role in promoting the responsibilities of a global citizen. One of the main responsibilities of a global citizen is the promotion of the concept of human rights, and dignity. Due to advances in information technology, it is now possible for people to share information concerning the various injustices that occur in the world (Buss,Redburn and Guo, 2006). Social networking sites such as face book, twitter, instagram can be used to instantly send a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Literature ((BRITISH COLONIAZATION IN AFRICA)) - Essay Example Goods that the British acquired from Igboland were spices, iron, palm products, timber, and elephant tusks, just to name a few. At first, the British were trading at the coast of Africa, but greed motivated them to make their way into Nigeria and take over the Igbo people, exploiting them and their resources in order to gain as much as possible (Litvack, "The Igbo People--Origins and History," 2001). The British colonization of southern Nigeria had a devastating impact on the Igbo people. For one, it caused the clans and the villages to turn against one another. Where there was once unity, there was now dissension, disharmony, and upheaval. Their once familiar way of life was now destroyed, never to be the same again. They were forced to adapt a new way of living, be subject to new rulers, and even adhere to a new religion, which was very much contrary to what they were used to. All of these devastating effects were what was responsible for the breakdown of the Igbo people, as well as the extreme loss of identity and culture (Litvack, "The Igbo People--Origins and History," 2001). Before the British colonists forced their religion upon them, the Igbo followed their traditional tribal religion. They believed in several gods who were led by one God named Chukwu. Chukwu was responsible for the creation of all things, and he was the leader of all of the minor deities. Chukwu was believed to be an almighty and powerful god who was omnipresent. Being that the people held this belief about Chukwu, temples, sanctuaries, symbols, and numerous representations of the god were all throughout the land. Aside from Chukwu, there were minor deities who competed amongst themselves. The minor deities each had their roles. Some punish people for offending the Igbo society, while others made sure people did not take advantage of their privileges. Then there were the gods who controlled the weather, as well as the growth of the crops (Litvack, "Religion and the Igbo People," 2001). Families and villages had their own gods that they adhered to, and each individual person had what was known as a Chi, which was a spirit that was returned to them at death by Chukwu. The Chi could either be good or bad. It was all dependent upon how the person behaved throughout life (Litvack, "Religion and the Igbo People," 2001). The Igbo also believed that the spirits of their deceased family members would watch over them to ensure that nothing bad came upon them and caused them harm. Because of this belief, it was common practice that the people prayed to the dead and asked them to ensure that they had a good and prosperous future. If anyone spoke against one of the deceased people who died an honorable or socially acceptable death, they were violating the law. Those who died in ways that the Igbo felt to be socially acceptable were who they considered as the good spirits that ensured safety and good fortune. That who died in a way that was not acceptable to Igbo society was considered to be the spirits that caused harm and upheaval. Deaths that were considered to be socially unacceptable were mothers dying during labor, babies dying before they had teeth, those who committed suicide and any who died during the sacred month. Multiple births were also considered disgraceful. For instance, if a mother concei ved twins or more, those babies were left to die
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Victorian period Essay Example for Free
The Victorian period Essay TASK: Pip changes a lot during his time in London. As we read the second stage of the novel, we do not like what we see of Pip because he becomes more and more of a snob. Do you agree with this opinion? The hero of Great Expectations is Pip and throughout the novel, our opinions of him change drastically. During his stay in London Pip changes the most and as we go on to read the second stage of the novel, we often fail to sympathise with Pip because he becomes more and more of a snob. Prior to his arrival in London, Pip makes it quite clear that he wishes to become a gentleman so that he can ultimately win over Estellas heart and with it her hand in marriage. But what exactly is a gentleman? A modern dictionary definition of this is: A well-mannered honourable man who may have a good social position. This is not too far away from the Victorian view (which would have been adopted by Magwitch and later on by Pip) as to what would have made a gentleman. At that time, any man was high in social rank or class, had the right by birth to be called a gentleman. A gentleman was also someone who could profitably manage his finances and would eventually own their own estate. A gentleman was also honourable and chivalrous and was a person against whom moral values could be judged. In short, a gentleman was an ideal for others to strive towards. During Pips stay in London, he becomes acquainted with many people. After his reunion with the pale young gentleman (Herbert Pocket) in the Barnards Inn, he meets the rest of Herberts family. It is at this point in the novel that we are introduced to Bentley Drummle. Pip immediately takes a dislike to Drummle and believes that Drummle can never be a true gentleman at heart because he was arrogant, snobbish and neither chivalrous nor honourable hardly making him a role model in society. However, Drummles lavish lifestyle and attitudes eventually rub off on Pip who consequently decides to join a frivolous and expensive London club and to hire a servant. Like a fast spreading poison, the lavishness and carelessness of Pips lifestyle corrupts Herberts life and lands them both in heavy debt as we are told later on in the novel. Just as there are gentleman who can be considered as being true at heart, there also those in the novel mainly Drummle and Compeyson, who certainly are not. It is a principle of his [Matthew Pocket] that no man who was a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner. They are both only gentlemen by right of birth. Drummle is a spider fellow who possesses arrogance and snobbery of the highest order, has almost no moral values and is certainly not an ideal for others to strive towards. Compeyson is far from being honourable and chivalrous (he jilted Miss Havisham twenty minutes before they were to be joined together in holy matrimony), has no moral values (is happy to manipulate people just for money) and like Drummle, is not an ideal for others to strive towards. In the novel, Compeyson represents the greed of some of the middle class society and the beginnings of middle class crime, which occurred during the Victorian period. Pip makes it clear that he does not wish to turn out like either of the aforementioned characters but when Joe comes to visit Pip, this is not the case. Upon hearing of Joes intended visit (Chapter 27), Pip explicitly expresses his feelings to reader. He admits that if the chance arose, he would pay to keep Joe away from the Inn. If I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money. The apparent reason for this is that he does not wish for Joe to run into Drummle who Pip quite clearly holds in contempt (e. g. his self-revelation about his self-centredness at Jaggers dinner party [Chapter 26]). He criticises Joe before he arrives on his clumsy manner and his inability to read fluently. This was somewhat a strange criticism coming from Pip as at the time of the novel, there was no compulsory State education and reading was a much more common ability than writing. The criticism itself is very reminiscent of the way Estella criticises his appearance at his first visit to Satis House (Chapter 8). After Joe arrives, Pip illicitly makes him feel unwanted. He pays more attention to others at his home, especially to news from Miss Havisham and Estella. In general, the atmosphere is tense with Pip feeling very uncomfortable until Herbert enters the room. When Herbert enters the room, there is a drastic change in the rooms atmosphere. Herbert and Joe get on quite well with each other with friendly chat and Herbert offering Joe a warm beverage. Pip is unafraid for Joe to be seen by Herbert (who Pip believes is a gentleman at heart and of the sort of company that he would want Joe to see him with). However, this pleasant warm atmosphere is short-lived when Herbert has to tend to his hat. After Herbert leaves the room, Joe gets so uncomfortable that he is forced to explain to Pip why he really came to see him.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Edgar Allan Poes Tell Tale Heart and Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Adve
Edgar Allan Poe's Tell Tale Heart and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Speckled Band Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe, both authors who are eminent for the content of their stories, wrote about crime. Though they invented stories concerning crime, they both wrote through different perspectives. This essay is going to compare how the characters of both stories, 'Tell Tale Heart' written by Poe, and 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band' written by Doyle, have been portrayed differently by their authors as well as exploring into the language style of the two stories. The historical backgrounds of both authors have influenced the way their stories are written. Poe was seen to have an unstable life as his mother died at and early age of three, and after that he was taken into a foster home of John Allan. He was educated at the University of Virginia. Later he went through a quarrel with his foster father and left home. He served in the U.S. Army under a false name, Edgar A. Perry, and incorrect age and then attended West Point from 1830 to 1831 but got himself dismissed when he realized he would never be reconciled with his foster father. He wrote Gothic novels, which is a type of fiction, written in reaction to 18th-c rationalism, that reclaims mystery and licenses extreme emotions. His third volume of poetry brought him neither fame nor profit but in 1833 he won a prize for best short story. From 1844, he settled down in New York as an editor and all this while he was gaining some reputation for his short stories, poems, reviews, and essays, such stories as "The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839), "Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1841), and "The Gold bug" (1843), would later be regard... ...e of the Speckled Band,' it could be seen that they both follow a formulaic plot, but the authors accentuate on different parts of the plot, such as the problem or development, in different proportions, either emphasizing more or less on it. For example, Poe emphasizes the self-obsessive actions and feelings of the protagonist in the development more than the others, whereas Doyle emphasizes more on the problem, which is discussed between the client and Holmes. In Doyle's stories there are many characters, which are significant in the plot in their own way, such as Holmes, Watson, the convict and the victim, whereas in Poe's stories the protagonist is the victim himself. The language is intricate, in both stories, from their own point of views, but because of Holmes' logical reasoning behind everything and Poe's self-obsessive actions, it does not seem so.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ethics in Nursing Essay
Nurses are to provide compassionate, competent, and ethical care, and follow the moral principles and guidelines set out by the College of Nurses and the Canadian Nurseââ¬â¢s Associationââ¬â¢s code of ethics. The nursing profession is a self-sacrificing one, and nurses take on the Nightingale Pledge, to elevate the standard of their practice and dedicate themselves to those committed in their care (Keatings & Smith, 2010, p. 64) However unfavourable working conditions, inadequate patient to nurse ratios, and intensive job-related stress can lead to poor performance of daily routines, and adversely patient safety (Ozata et al., 2013). In the situation regarding Mr. Gurt who suffers from Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease, it is vital for the nurse to weigh him at the beginning of each month. This is her obligation under her employing institutionââ¬â¢s standards of care, as well under the autonomy of her practise in which any deviation from this could result in exposure to liability ( Austin 2006, p. 62). In order for the nurse to properly care for Mr. Gurt, assessing his accurate weight is essential in providing a care plan that will focus on his overall wellness and healing. Because Mr. Gurt is frail, and has stage one pressure ulcers on both heels and his coccyx, it is imperative that he has every opportunity to build up his skin integrity and prevent future disruption of his skin surface. Complications that may arise because of the nurseââ¬â¢s neglect in failing to weigh him, may contribute to other underlying problems. General health concerns Mr. Gurt would be facing on top of his current co- morbidities would include a decline his general appearance, gastrointestinal, neurologic, integumentary, and musculoskeletal systems (Holloway, 2004, p. 80). By recording a weight of 70kg with a height of 170cm, the nurse calculated Mr. Gurtââ¬â¢s Body Mass Index (BMI) at 24.2 which is borderline overweight, when in fact it was 14.5, with 18.5 being the baseline for being underweight ( obesity/ BMI/bmicalc.htm., n.d.). According to this value, it would be likely that Mr. Gurt would suffer from imbalanced nutrition, less than his body requirements leading to other complications and failing to thrive. Nanda defines failure to thrive as the progressive functional deterioration of a physical and cognitive nature. The individualââ¬â¢s ability to live with multisystem diseases, cope withà ensuing problems, and manage his care are remarkably diminished (Ackley & Ladwig, 2011, p. 350). To add on to potential problems, drug doses are given based on factors such as age, gender, and the weight of a patient (Raman-Wilms, 2013). Since Mr. Gurt is elderly and suffering from the effects of Parkinsonââ¬â¢s with an imbalance of neurotransmitter activity between dopamine and acetylcholine, there may be fewer receptors and a decrease in neurotransmitters to take up his drugs (Raman-Wilms, 2013). Levadopa a dopaminergic medication which treats the symptoms of Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease should be reviewed with body weight changes (Raman-Wilms, 2013). A study looking into the factors of weight loss in Parkinsonââ¬â¢s looked at the effects of dopaminergic treatment which suggested that the drug had a lipolytic effect and body mass fat was decreased with the advancement of Parkinsonââ¬â¢s symptoms (Lorefalt, 2004, p.186). The potential magnitude and likelihood of harm occurring in this case is significant as drug tolerances, adverse effects, and toxic effects are high, making the liver and kidneys susceptible to disease (Urquhart, 2014), as Mr. Gurtââ¬â¢s body mass index indicates he is underweight and a higher risk for drug overdoses. Effectiveness of this drug will diminish over time in which the adverse effects may become severe and may include palpitations, abdominal movement, dizziness, and confusion (Raman-Wilms, 2013, p. 331). Incorrect doses of his medication could lead to physical and psychological issues based on the nurses documented weight and his actual weight. Failing to weigh Mr. Gurt will have a great impact on his nutritional needs, but will also affect his ability to heal his pressure ulcers on his heels and coccyx. Mr. Gurt is emaciated which may be in part to dysphasia, tremors, still muscles, and slow movements among other symptoms of Parkinsonââ¬â¢s (Wilk & Newmaster, 2013, p. 288). As well, Mr. Gurtââ¬â¢s weight is evidence that he is not receiving the nutritional intake his bodyââ¬â¢s immune system requires to create the proteins and blood cells (macrophages the bodyââ¬â¢s first line of defence), needed to attack and repair his wounds, and prevent the risk for infection (Raman-Wilms, 2013). The nurseââ¬â¢s blatant disregard to weigh Mr. Gurt puts him at greater risk for infection and is a form of negligence. Negligence in nursing can be unintentional, however it is important to understand the effects this has on health professionals practicing in Ontario. A registered nurse is responsible to follow the standard of care when performing nursingà acts under autonomy within their scope of practise (College of Nurses, 2004) (CNO, 2004). Standard of Care is the legal benchmark against which a personââ¬â¢s conduct is measured to determine whether a person has been negligent and whether the personââ¬â¢s conduct or actions in a given situation have met those expected of a competent health care professional (Keatings & Smith, 2010). The College of Nurses is the governing body for registered nurses that protect the public through regulating the nursing profession (CNO, 2014). A practising nurse is obliged to follow the standards of care and ethical guidelines set out by this governing body (CNO, 2014). The College of Nurses lists seven ethical values which are all important, but recognizes that client well-being is a primary value (CNO, 2014). The College of Nurses connotation of client well-being is to promote the patients health, while preventing or removing harm (CNO, 2014). In the case regarding Mr. Gurt, where the nurse is required to weigh him monthly and record the data, she is morally responsible for the patientââ¬â¢s well-being and for any adverse outcomes regarding his health for failing to provide safe care. The nurseââ¬â¢s complacency in failing to weigh Mr. Gurt, a simple act, would be of concern in investigating her moral responsibility in providing ethical care in her work environment. The nurseââ¬â¢s ethical duty is to advocate for her patients and provide safe, effective, and ethical care (CNO, 2014). Possible outcomes that could arise for the nurse in failing to provide ethical care include: her co-worker filing a complaint to the College of Nurses, a discipline hearing with the College of nurses, and possibly a lawsuit (CNO, 2014). Potter & Perry note the criteria nurses can be found liable for negligence as summarized; the nurse owed the duty to the patient; to whom that duty was not carried out; and the patient was injured for failing to carry out that duty (Potter & Perry 2013, p. 96). A common negligent act is failing to monitor a patientââ¬â¢s condition adequately (Potter et al., 2013, p. 97). For a nurse to be sued, and in the case with Mr. Gurt, the nurse had carelessly not performed a duty which was vital to his ongoing care. While the ability to predict harm is evaluated is this case, the nurse had committed a wrong doing to Mr. Gurt and could be tried as an unintentional tort. (Potter et al., 2013, p. 97-98). According to the Criminal Code, 1985, if Mr. Gurt was to pass away as a result of improper care or toxic levels of medication being given dueà to the nurse failing to weigh him, the nurse could also face criminal liability if the nurse was proven to have a reckless disregard for her patient (Potter et al., 2013, p. 99-100). The best way for nurses to avoid being negligent is to follow the standards of care; be self aware and to reflect on their nursing practise; to follow the ethical framework established by the College of Nurses; and to continuall y educate themselves on best practices, assessments, and evaluations within their nursing abilities (Potter et al., 2013, p.98). With that in mind, one final thing I would suggest is to have professional liability and legal assistance protection insurance coverage. References BIBLIOGRAPHY l 4105 Ackley, J. A., Ladwig, G. B. (2011). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (9th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier Canada. Austin, S. (2006). Ladies & gentlemen of the jury, I presentâ⬠¦ the nursing documentation. Nursing, 56-64 Calculate Your Body Mass Index. (n.d.).Calculate Your BMI. Retrieved June 4, 2014, from College of Nurses of Ontario/Ordre des Infirmià ¨res et Infirmiers de lââ¬â¢Ontario. (2014). College of Nurses of Ontario. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from Holloway, N. (1999). Medical-Surgical Care Planning. Orinda: Springhouse Corporation. Keatings, M. (2010). Ethical & Legal Issues in Canadian Nursing (3rd ed.). Toronto:Mosby/Elsevier Canada. Lorefalt, B., Ganowiak, W., Palhagen, S., Toss, G., Unosson, M., Granerus, A.K,.(2004). Factors of Importance for Weight Loss in Elderly Patients with Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 180-187. Ozata, O., Oztu rk, Y.E., Cihangiroglu, N., Altunkan, H. (2013). The Development of a Scale of Malpractice Trend in Nursing and Validity and Reliabilty Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research, 57-65. Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Kerr, J. C., & Wood, M. J. (2009). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (4th ed.). Toronto: Mosby/Elsevier Canada. Raman-Wilms, L. (2013). Guide to Drugs in Canada (4th ed.). Toronto: Dorling Kindersley. Urquhart, B. (2014). Exploring how kidney failure impactââ¬â¢s the bodyââ¬â¢s systems. Western News. Wilk, M. J., Newmaster, R. (2013). Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker.Toronto: Mosby/ Elsevier Canada.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
An Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Online Shopping
Abstract Online shopping has grown rapidly in China over the last decade, yet there are only a few studies in Chinese context. This research focuses on B2C (Business to Customer) and C2C (Customer to Customer) to identify the factors that affect online shopping intention of consumers in both positive and negative aspects. However, there are some differences exist that influence online shopping intention among different countries.As a result, this essay evaluates the determinants of online shopping intention of Chinese consumers by comparing consumers in other countries, which will give an insight for online sellers to develop more competitive strategies in China. Contents Abstract Introduction1 Literature Review3 1. Global consumers6 1. 1 Main factors: price, convenience and risks6 1. 2 Additional factors7 2. Chinese consumers8 2. 1 Main factors: quality, delivery and payment security8 2. 2 Additional factors: social influence9 Conclusion11 Bibliography14 IntroductionThere are a grow ing number of people choosing online shopping and this growing trend has emerged all over the world over the last few decades. Online shopping is defined as ââ¬Å"The act of purchasing products or services over the Internetâ⬠(Business dictionary, 2012). Similarly, iResearch (2011) defines it as ââ¬Å"The process of transferring commodities or services from the merchant/seller to individual users (consumers) via the Internet. Such a process is called online shopping if any of its capital flow, logistics, or information flow involves the Internet. Benefiting from the rapid economic growth and the development of the Internet, online shopping has become increasingly prevalent in China. The amount of transactions in online shopping, accounts for 1. 1% in 2008 rising to 3. 3% in 2010 of Chinaââ¬â¢s total retail sales of consumer goods (CNNIC, 2011). Moreover, the latest report illustrates that up to December 2012, the number of net citizens in China reached 513 million, of whic h online shoppers are 194 million and the figure has kept a steady development trend with an increase of 20. % compared to the end of 2011 (CNNIC, 2012). It can be seen that online shopping in China has experienced a robust growth and demonstrates a great potential when compared to mature online shopping markets, such as the USA, UK and Japan. However, the development of Chinaââ¬â¢s online shopping has encountered some obstacles, such as the limitations found within delivery and payment systems (Liu, He, Gao, & Xie, 2008, p. 925 & p. 932).Moreover, most research into online shopping has focused on western countries, but very little research has been done in the Chinese context (Kau, Tang, & Ghose, 2003, p. 140; Liu, et al. , 2008, p. 921; So, Wong, & Sculli, 2005, p. 1225). Therefore, in order to reach its potential and to maintain the steady growth tendency of online shopping market in China, it is important to attempt to comprehend the issues influencing the online purchase int entions of Chinese consumers.Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate factors that signify the differences between online purchase intentions of Chinese and global online shoppers. This paper is structured as follows. The next section reviews the related literature about the issues relating to online shopping. Section 1 will identify which factors are prominent or auxiliary and may affect online shopping intention of global consumers while section 2 will compare Chinese consumers with global consumers and evaluate the significance of the differences.Literature Review The e-commerce industry has developed rapidly worldwide over the last few decades including the online shopping market in China which has experienced steady growth. Much research has tried to identify what the factors are and how they affect the online shopping purchase intention; however, a large proportion of these studies have been concerned about the West while only a few studies have focused on C hinese online shoppers and take into account the cultural impact (Kau, et al. , 2003, p. 140; Liu, et al. , 2008, p. 21; So, et al. , 2005, p. 1225). To allow the reader to better understand the factors affecting online shopping intention in China, this section will offer academic research reviews regarding this subject, including different theories, influential factors, and concerns relating to cultural differences. Since online shopping has become more popular, it has attracted widespread attention. Different models and theories have been adopted by many researchers to identify and examine the factors affecting online shopping intention or behaviours. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)â⬠have been frequently used (So, et al. , 2005, pp. 1226-1228). Chiu, Chang, Cheng and Fang (2009, p. 761) extended TAM ââ¬Å"by introducing e-service quality dimensions, trust and enjoyment in the development of a theoretical model to study customersââ¬â¢ repurchase intentions of online shoppingâ⬠. Similarly, Liao and Shi (2009, p. 5) conducted the related research which is also based on the TAM framework, but combined it with ââ¬Å"environmental and social constructs to elucidate consumersââ¬â¢ attitude and behavioural intention to use e-retailingâ⬠. A number of studies have extensively discussed the factors influencing online shopping intention over many years. ââ¬Å"Convenience, price savings, extensive information, enjoyment, and broad product selection are considered as major benefits of online shoppingâ⬠(Fang, Chiu, & Wang, 2011 cited Childers et al. , 2001, p. 82). In addition, another research (Liao & Shi, 2009, p. 28) reveals that social influence, such as online consumer reviews or word of mouth play a significant role in affecting individual behavioural intention to shop online, which is consistent with the result of the research done by Chung and Shin (2 010, p. 473) and Lee, Park and Han (2011, p. 187-188). Moreover, many researchers suggest that ââ¬Å"perceived ease of use and perceived usefulnessâ⬠of shopping through the Internet are important antecedents of intentions (Chiu, et al. 2009, p. 763; Fang, et al. , 2011, p. 486; So, et al. , 2005, p. 1238). Even though online shopping brings some benefits to consumers which attract them to shop online, some factors have a negative effect on consumersââ¬â¢ purchase decision. For example, poor quality products and underdeveloped payment system; in particular, many researchers demonstrate that trust is a vital factor for online consumers to make purchase decisions. Xu, Zou and Wang (2006, p. 202) also point out that trust is considered to be the most important factor.In contrast, an earlier study suggests that in some countries the most important factor is price while trust is not as important as price (Kim, Xu, & Gupta, 2011 cited in Reibstein, 2002, p. 8). Recently, some res earchers have started paying more attention to the Chinese online shopping market and some comparative studies have been conducted in the context of online shopping in China due to the fast development of the Internet and rapid growth sales in online shopping. Areas covered include China and Japan (Atchariyachanvanich & Okada, 2006) and China and America (Ou, Sia, & Banerjee, 2007).It has been demonstrated that the differences between consumers in China and those in other countries, and namely issues dealing with product quality, logistic infrastructure, payment systems and social influence. This section has reviewed literature about the major theories used in research and some factors that research has suggested including the difference between China and other countries. In the following sections, this research will classify and evaluate the dynamic factors and related issues regarding consumersââ¬â¢ online shopping intentions by comparing China to some other countries. . Global consumers With the increasing intensified competition in online shopping, it is more essential than ever for online retailers to understand the factors affecting consumersââ¬â¢ intention in online shopping, which is critical to success. Therefore, a number of studies focusing on influential factors of online shopping appear in many published conference proceedings and journals. This section will categorize the issues influencing global consumersââ¬â¢ online shopping intentions. 1. 1 Main factors: price, convenience and risksThere are some factors which attract consumers to choose online shopping. Firstly, price has long been considered as a significant predictor when customer making a decision and e-commerce allows consumers to compare the prices across different online shops to find out the cheapest product easily (Kim, et al. , 2011, P. 1). Moreover, compared to traditional retail shops, internet-based shops have a cost advantage; as a result, they are able to offer their p roducts at a cheaper price than are available in traditional shops (Atchariyachanvanich & Okada, 2006, p. 281; Liao & Shi, 2009, p. 27). Secondly, many researchers also point out that as well as price the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are important factors to attract consumers to engage in online shopping (Chiu, et al. , 2009, p. 763; Fang, et al. , 2011, p. 486; So, et al. , 2005, p. 1238). For example, online shopping provides the opportunity for consumers to easily locate shops and products, especially convenient for target-oriented consumers who have already decided what they want to buy. (Fang, et al. , 2011, p. 485).On the other hand, even though online shopping brings some benefits and attracts some consumers, there are those that are aware of the risks involved and so this may lead to them rejecting it. Kau, Tang and Ghose (2003, p. 141) argue that those risks include: lack of security, the possibility of credit card fraud, uncertainty about the quality of p roducts, and return issues when the products are failed to meet consumersââ¬â¢ expectation. Moreover, due to the distances involved with online shopping and the fact that consumers are unable to touch or see the products seems to be an inherent perception of risk in shopping online (Kim, et al. 2011, p. 1; Kuhlmeier & Knight, 2005, p. 463). 1. 2 Additional factors Apart from the major factors mentioned above, some additional factors influence the intention of online shopping as well. First of all, the amount of availability of extensive information and choices in online shops which the traditional stores are unable to compete with. Therefore, the options of products available in conjunction with the very latest information being available are a relatively important attractant to online shopping over the traditional retail store (So, Wong and Sculli, 2005, p. 235). In addition, some other influential factors were identified by Kau, Tang and Ghose (2003, p. 140), Atchariyachanvanic h and Okada (2006, p. 2281) , and Fang, Chiu and Wang (2011, p. 482), such as time saving, time flexibility, real-time marketing offers, sharing other online customer reviews and enjoyment. Furthermore, Kuhlmeier and Knight (2005, p. 463) suggest that the more experience of using internet the more likelihood of the consumer to become an online shopper. 2. Chinese consumersSince neither can the existing knowledge of Chinese consumersââ¬â¢ behaviour on traditional shopping nor the reported findings about online shopping in other countries can be directly applied to the online shopping market in China; therefore, marketing strategies need to be tailored to the specific market (So, et al. , 2005, p. 1225). This section will highlight and address any differing issues influencing online shopping intention of Chinese consumers by conducting a comparison between Chinese consumers and consumers in other countries. 2. 1 Main factors: quality, delivery and payment security Liu, He, Gao and Xie (2008, p. 31) state that Chinese people are quite sensitive to price and like negotiating with sellers to achieve a satisfactory deal. Similarly, Atchariyachanvanich and Okada (2006, p. 2283-2285) believe that the main reason why Japanese and Chinese consumers shop online is for cheaper price; however, they add that cheaper price is not the most important reason affecting Chinese consumersââ¬â¢ online purchase intention, Chinese consumers rank the security of the website and the ability to read previous customersââ¬â¢ reviews at the top. It seems to highlight Chinese online shoppersââ¬â¢ uncertainty whether the products they buy re genuine and have good quality or not. Beside quality of products, delivery as another essential factor was concerned by Chinese consumers. Just as CNNIC (2012) shows in the 29th report that delivery is one of the main aspects causing consumer dissatisfaction of online shopping; more specifically, 12. 3%, 5% and 3. 6% of Chinese consumers were not satisfied due to delayed delivery, lost or damaged products and bad attitude of delivery staff respectively. As a matter of fact, Chinese logistic infrastructure lags behind some countries; particularly in terms of limited choices of delivery companies and long delivery time.In contrast, the US has a mature and efficient distribution network supporting online shopping, because outsourced third parties can provide professional services, such as FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc. (Ou, et al. , 2007, p. 23). Research carried out by Xu, Zou and Wang (2006, p. 206) shows that online payment security is the most important factor which should be strengthened by e-commerce companies because online shoppers pay more attention to it. Additionally, unsound credit card payment system is more likely to cause financial risk and privacy leakage.In the US, using credit card is the most popular way to pay for online shopping, while in China is still cash payment due to the cash-based culture and immature cr edit card payment system (Ou, et al. , 2007, pp. 21-22). This results from the immature Internet technology which to a large extent impedes the development of online payment system in China. Consequently, the financial risk might be caused by underdevelopment online payment system, which is a significant reason leading to a decision to reject online shopping (Zhou, Dai, & Zhang, 2007, pp. 49 & 55). 2. 2 Additional factors: social influenceBased on Hofstedeââ¬â¢s cultural model, online consumer behaviour can be predicted by five cultural difference dimensions, one of them is individualism ââ¬â collectivism, for instance, America and New Zealand belong to individualism while China belongs to collectivism. This, in turn, has led to different online shopping behaviour among consumers belonging to Eastern and Western cultures (Zhou, et al. , 2007, p. 46). Several studies have revealed that people from a collectivist culture should be more easily influenced by people within their s ocial circles (Liao & Shi, 2009, p. 5). Consequently, social influence should not be ignored in the context of online shopping in China. On the one hand, human interaction cannot be fully satisfied in Internet-based shopping; therefore, it may not be easily accepted by Chinese which are more likely to enjoy interacting with others when shopping (So, et al. , 2005, p. 1237). In addition, it is very common in China that one tends to follow if friends or relatives are interested in online shopping (Liao & Shi, 2009, p. 27).Furthermore, online consumer reviews or electronic word of mouth as a specific way of social influence in the context of online shopping plays an important role in affecting online consumers to make purchase decision (Chung & Shin, 2010, p. 473; Lee, et al. , 2011, p. 188). It seems that social influence is an importance factor affecting online shopping intention of Chinese consumers. Conclusion This project reviewed literature regarding online shopping issues firstl y. It then classified some main factors and additional factors which influence global consumers to choose or not choose Internet-based shopping.Specifically, cheaper price and convenience of online shopping have positive effect in affecting global consumersââ¬â¢ online shopping intentions; however, some risks in terms of products, financial and private information are likely to cause the rejection of online shopping. Finally, it acknowledged and assessed the divergent issues affecting Chinese consumersââ¬â¢ online shopping intention with a comparative approach. Chinese consumers are quite different to global ones due to culture difference and deficiencies within payment and delivery sytems.For example, perheaps because of the high rate of counterfeit and inferior products, Chinese online shoppers pay more attention to the product quality than price. Moreover, in China the logistic infrastructure and payment system are less developed and less mature than in other developed coun tries and this brings greater fear to Chinese consumers to conduct online shopping. Additionally, social influence and associated information from previous consumers who express their opinions online about products and sellers are essential for the Chinese online consumers.As noted above, online shop retailers should not simply apply the existing knowledge about global online consumers to Chinese online shoppers, cultural differences must be taken into account, which is critical to their success and will benefit the development of online shopping market in China. (Words: 2507) Bibliography Atchariyachanvanich, K. , & Okada, H. (2006, 17-20 December 2006). A Study on Factors Affecting the Purchasing Process of Online Shopping: A Survey in China & Japan. Paper presented at the the 7th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.Chiu, C. M. , Chang, C. C. , Cheng, H. L. , & Fang, Y. H. (2009). Determinants of customer repurchase intention in online shopping. Online Information Review, 33(4), 761-784. Chung, K. H. , & Shin, J. I. (2010). The antecedents and consequents of relationship quality in internet shopping. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(4), 473-491. Fang, Y. H. , Chiu, C. M. , & Wang, E. T. G. (2011). Understanding customersââ¬â¢satisfaction and repurchase intentions : An integration of IS success model, trust and justice. Internet Research, 21(4), 479-503. Kau, A. K. , Tang, Y. C.E. , & Ghose, S. (2003). Typology of online shoppers. Jouranal of Consumer Marketing, 20(2), 139-156. Kim, H. -W. , Xu, Y. J. , & Gupta, S. (2011). Which is more important in Internet shopping, perceived price or trust? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. Kuhlmeier, D. , & Knight, G. (2005). Antecedents to internet-based purchasing: a multinational study. International Marketing Review, 22(4), 460-473. Lee, J. , Park, D. H. , & Han, I. (2011). The different effects of online consumer reviews on consum ersââ¬â¢purchase intentions depending on trust in online shopping malls.Internet Research, 21(2), 187-206. Liao, Z. Q. , & Shi, X. P. (2009). Consumer perceptions of internet-based e-retailing: an empirical research in Hong Kong. Journal of Services Marketing, 23(1), 24-30. Liu, X. , He, M. Q. , Gao, F. , & Xie, P. H. (2008). An empirical study of online shopping customer satisfaction in China: a holistic perspective. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36(11), 919-940. Ou, C. X. J. , Sia, C. L. , & Banerjee, P. (2007). WHAT IS HAMPERING ONLINE SHOPPING IN CHINA?Information Technology Management, 18(1), 16-32. So, W. C. M. , Wong, T. N. D. , & Sculli, D. (2005). Factors affecting intentions to purchase via the internet. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 105(9), 1225-1244. Xu, H. J. , Zou, X. W. , & Wang, H. S. (2006). Consumers'attitudes of e-commerce in China. Scholarship and Professional Work ââ¬â Business, 7(2), 202-207. Zhou, L. , Dai, L. W. , ; Zhang, D. S. (2007). ONLINE SHOPPING ACCEPTANCE MODELââ¬â A CRITICAL SURVEY OF CONSUMER FACTORS IN ONLINE SHOPPING. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 8(1), 41-62.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Student Essay Help
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Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The top 5 education jobs for 2018
The top 5 education jobs for 2018 ââ¬Å"I should teachâ⬠is the common refrain of people everywhere who are fed up with their jobs at any given moment, but actually taking steps toward making that switch takes a lot more than temporary frustration. Whether youââ¬â¢re already on an educational career path, trying to decide what comes next, or youââ¬â¢re one of those career changers who has decided to go ahead and commit to that change, we have some insight into some of the top educational job prospects in the next year. 1. Instructional coordinator/designerInstructional designers, also known as instructional coordinators, are educational professionals who work more behind the scenes. Theyââ¬â¢re not necessarily in the classroom, but rather work with schools, school districts, teachers, and educational companies to develop and oversee educational curriculums and teaching standards. Their job may include training teachers, reviewing and recommending textbooks, creating materials that align with how studen ts learn, working with new technology to develop comprehensive learning materials or programs, and instituting standards across disciplines or schools.With the growing emphasis on curriculum standards and using technology in the classrooms, this is a field that is expected to grow faster than average over the next 10 years.What youââ¬â¢ll need: This is a pretty specialized field, and most instructional coordinators have a masterââ¬â¢s degree, as well as past experience working as a teacher or a school administrator. Some states require that these coordinators have a license if they work in public schools, so be sure to confirm your own stateââ¬â¢s requirements.What it pays: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), instructional coordinators make a median annual salary of $62,460 per year, or $30.03 per hour.2. High school teacherTeaching high school is not for the faint of heart. It requires a strong degree of familiarity with a subject and the ability to con nect with teenagers in an educationally meaningful way. But if youââ¬â¢re up to the task of dealing with the nationââ¬â¢s 16-year-olds, thereââ¬â¢s always a huge demand for secondary school teachers.High school teachers typically have a specialty (like English, history, or math), and may teach different academic levels within that specialty. The job is heavy on classroom management, with a high volume of students, because the teacher may have a significant courseload. Most high schools keep regular hours (early morning until mid-afternoon), but teachers might also have to put time in during evenings and weekends to prepare for the days ahead. The good news is that youââ¬â¢ll likely have summers off.What youââ¬â¢ll need: A bachelorââ¬â¢s degree, preferably in the education field. All states also require that public high school teachers be licensed, so if you plan to teach in a public school be sure to understand what your own stateââ¬â¢s requirements are for cert ification.What it pays: According to the BLS, high school teachers make a median annual salary of $58,030 per year.For more on how to snag teaching jobs:A Beginnerââ¬â¢s Guide on How to Become a Teacher3. Elementary school teacherIf youââ¬â¢re interested in the classroom but are more interested in teaching a younger set of students, qualified elementary school teachers are also in high demand. Early childhood educators are responsible for the teaching and well-being of students ranging from kindergarten (or in some schools, pre-kindergarten) through fifth or sixth grade. They are often general specialists, and teach students a range of basic subjects like math, reading, writing, science, history/social studies to get them ready for the next grade. Because students are younger, there are often basic life skills taught as part of the classroom experience.What youââ¬â¢ll need: A bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in early childhood education. Each state also requires that public school teachers be licensed, so if you plan to teach in a public school make sure to understand what your own stateââ¬â¢s requirements are for certification.à What it pays: According to the BLS, elementary school teachers make a median annual salary of $55,490 per year.For more on how to snag elementary school teaching jobs:How to Become a Kindergarten Teacher4. ParaprofessionalIf youââ¬â¢re interested in a career in education but donââ¬â¢t have an education-specific degree, becoming a paraprofessional can be a great first step. Paraprofessionals, sometimes called teacherââ¬â¢s aides, are educational professionals who assist teachers in the classroom. Duties may include teaching lessons, helping with classroom behavior management, taking attendance, monitoring students during activities, helping with grading, or working directly with students who need help. Paraprofessionals can be found in elementary schools, secondary schools, or daycare facilities.What youââ¬â¢ll need: A high school degree is usually the main educational requirement, but it helps to have completed some college courses or an Associateââ¬â¢s degree, particularly in education. Each state and school district has its own rules for paraprofessional certification, so you should see what your state requires. Many states and schools require that paraprofessionals take a standardized test to certify that these educators meet a minimum standard.à à à What it pays: According to the BLS, paraprofessionals make a median annual salary of $25,410 per year. This can vary based on experience, and whether the paraprofessional chooses to specialize in a particular teaching area (like special education).For more on how to snag paraprofessional jobs:How to Become a Paraprofessional5. STEM TeacherTeachers who specialize in the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) have a hugely bright future, as more and more school systems look to prepare students for an increasingly digital world. This is a specialty, usually taught on the high school level, where teachers prepare students for further study in engineering or the sciences. STEM teachers plan lessons, develop activities, integrate technology, and use current technology and science concepts in the classroom.What youââ¬â¢ll need: A bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in the sciences or engineering. You may also need a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree or higher in education, as well. Each state also requires that public school teachers be licensed, so if you plan to teach in a public school make sure to understand what your own stateââ¬â¢s requirements are for certification.What it pays: According to the BLS, these specialized STEM teachers make a median annual salary of $107,490 per year.If youââ¬â¢re considering an educational career path, itââ¬â¢s hard to think of a field that can be more fulfilling. If youââ¬â¢ve thought it over and have decided to set your career path in (or near) the classroom, th ere are a number of paths you can take to take advantage of the current trends in education. Wherever you choose to go, a focus on technology will always bring you to the most promising opportunities in todayââ¬â¢s teaching world. Good luck!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Organizational Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational Culture - Research Paper Example As the report declares an effective training and development program for the employees has helped them to increase their motivation level. These training and development programs have made them responsible towards their job profile. An effective customer service strategy is another important part of the successful organization culture of Walmart. Moreover, the organization has implemented an open-door communication strategy in order to simplify the communication process between the top level and bottom level of the organization. Bringing flexibility in the decision making process has helped Walmart to undertake effective decisions. However, the study will reveal the organizational culture of Walmart in terms work culture, customer service, internal and external communication, and the strategic decision making process of the organization. Several past researches on this area have been carried out to collect appropriate information for the study. This paper stresses that organizational culture is a specific study of individuals and behavior of those individuals within the context of workplace settings in an organization. Organizational culture is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates communication, psychology, management, and sociology. It is an important field of study that helps to investigate the impact of culture of groups, individuals and structures on the performance of organizations. It harmonizes the academic studies of human resource management and organizational theory. Organizational culture can also be referred to as an organizational science or organizational studies. This study will analyze the organization culture of Walmart which is the worldââ¬â¢s largest supermarket chain. Overview of Organizational Culture Organizational culture is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates communication, psychology, management, and sociology. Organizational culture consists of the organizational work process, w ork culture, environment, communication process, and the decision making process. Organizational culture addresses the environment of workplace. Communication process addresses the communication between the top level and bottom level of the organization. Decision making process is one of the key processes that enhance organizational culture. The field of organizational culture has its roots in both organizational and industrial psychology. Contemporary Issues Due to advanced technology, the business environment of an organization is changing dramatically. Gigantic size of an organization is another contemporary issue. Business diversification can create several organizational issues. Adaptability and flexibility in the business environment are other contemporary issues. Innovation and cultural diversifications in the organization are also considered as the contemporary issues. Organizational Culture of Walmart It is known to all that Walmart is the largest departmental store chain. The organization was
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